11月秋高氣爽,最適合去行山,享受遠離塵囂的自在感,山水設備最為人熟悉的品牌之一Decathlon在過去三個星期就將山系元素帶到市區,舉行了一場露營文化祭。特別的是,Decathlon團隊覺得行山要有咖啡相隨才有那種感覺,所以我們就受邀去了一起玩,很明顯是一條用家team,深明行山用家的樂趣所在,像行山+咖啡一樣,和我們一拍即合。除了我們細味公平,H-House也是另一個相逢恨晚的好朋友,她們的咖啡設備相當有質感(尤其是咖啡杯!),在裝飾佈置也是高手,令我們的攤位生色不少。説了這麼多,帶大家看看當天的活動照片吧,還有不要錯過Decathlon x FAIRTASTE x H-House的精彩影片!


Decathlon, one of the most familiar brands of mountain equipment, brought mountain elements to the city and held a camping culture festival in the past three weeks. The Decathlon team felt that the feeling of hiking is only possible with coffee, so we were invited to play together. In addition to our fine taste fair, H-House is also another good friend that we hate to meet, their coffee equipment is quite quality (especially the coffee cup!) They are also great at decorating and making our booth look great. With that said, let's take a look at the photos of the event and don't miss the Decathlon x FAIRTASTE x H-House video!