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細味公平恭祝大家 新年快樂,身體健康, 初六啟市

FAIRTASTE Member Rewards

Become a standard member of FAIRTASTE with simple clicks to create your account profile, where rewards and benefits await you. Let Fair Trade integrates into your life and make spending more meaningful.

Shopping credits rebate PS.1

● Once signing up a new account you are already eligible to receive HK$20 store credits to kick start your journey

● Make use of HK$20 store credits received in your birthday month to celebrate

● By referring a new member, once they fulfil a new purchase order of HK$400 or more, you can enjoy another HK$20 store credits. Happy referral



Member points scheme PS.2

●  1 member point will be rewarded for every spending of HK$10

●  100 points can be redeeemed as HK$10 for each purchase, so as to let you shop more


Become a VIP member with a cumulative spending of dedicated amount in a year for more rewards!



*Fair Taste (HK) Limited reserves the right to amend the exclusive offers for members