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細味公平恭祝大家 新年快樂,身體健康
農民的故事往往被故意壓制或不被聽到。Rizky 和 Nyimas是印度尼西亞的製片人和攝影記者,他們在Covid-19的時侯,為三位農民拍攝了一系列的紀錄片,希望透過近距離拍攝他們的故事,讓遠方的觀衆了解到農民其實與我們日常生活有著密不可分的聯繫。
Rizky and Nyimas, an Indonesian filmmaker and photographer, shot a series of documentaries on three farmers during Covid-19, hoping that by capturing their stories up close and personal, they would show viewers from afar that farmers are in fact inextricably linked to our daily lives.
而其中一位正是印度尼西亞的農民 – Ponisih
And one of them is a farmer from Indonesia - Ponisih
對Ponisih和她的家人來說,椰子樹是他們的生計和遺產。 每個糖袋後面都貼着繁重的勞動,他們每一天的一大清早就開始砍伐樹木。 然後,將樹液和水混合,煮成糖漿,使其乾燥結晶。 然後,就像在店裏看到的那樣,把乾燥的樹液分解成糖粒。這是他們每天的工作。
Ponisih 曾經從印度尼西亞爪哇島的鄉村逃到城市。為了過上更好的生活,她離開了她親愛的家,但卻發現城裡的生活並沒有想像中的那麼迷人,常常充滿了掙扎和匱乏。最後,她決定回到鄉下,繼續祖先的傳統:成為一名椰子糖農。
現在她會跟大家說 “我很高興成為一名農民” 。
而Fairtrade亦在 2020 年設立了兩個基金,以支持生產者更好地應對這場流行病。迄今為止,印度尼西亞已有超過8 個生產者組織將其用於各種措施,他們特別關注如何改善基礎設施和生產,共影響了數千名農民。
For Ponisih and her family, the coconut trees are their livelihood and their legacy. Behind each sugar sack is the laborious task of cutting down the trees early in the morning. Then, the sap is mixed with water and boiled into syrup, which is dried and crystallized. Then, as you can see in the store, the dried sap is broken down into sugar grains. This is what they do every day.
As the pandemic spread to the larger city, Ponisih's family felt safe in their home in the village of Hagoroyo. But then everything changed when the delta variant of COVID-19 suddenly and unexpectedly spread, and Ponisih's family was unfortunately infected. Fortunately, the cooperative where Ponisih works responded quickly with immediate relief measures and long-term farmer resilience, and the situation improved.
Ponisih had fled from his village in Java, Indonesia, to the city. She left her beloved home for a better life, but found that life in the city was not as glamorous as she had imagined and was often filled with struggle and deprivation. Finally, she decided to return to the countryside and continue the tradition of her ancestors: to become a coconut sugar farmer.
Now she tells everyone, "I'm happy to be a farmer.
And Fairtrade has set up two funds in 2020 to support producers in better coping with the epidemic. So far, more than eight producer organizations in Indonesia have used them for various initiatives, with a particular focus on improving infrastructure and production, affecting thousands of farmers.
To see the documentary about Ponisih, please go to the following website: